Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Progressives United

Russ Feingold starts new organization to combat the corporate ownership of our government and political process. Help him out, please.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Revolt to maintain "truthiness"

We must take to the "streets of the Internet" to maintain truth. Lies are pervasive throughout our political, corporate, educational, financial, religious, and communication (journalism and broadcast) institutions. We can not survive as a people if we continue to be buried alive by lies.
Bill Moyers speaks the truth and his message should be spread around the world.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ronald Reagan and unions

Remember when ole Ronnie was all for labor Poland. The GOP was enthusiastically behind him. But only for Polish unions. He clobbered the Air Traffic Controllers union here and the GOP hasn't seen a USA union it likes yet! And most of the union ditto heads will be voting against their own interest because they are angry that Barak Obama is President. Go figure!